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Stewarding Community Resources

House of Joy gathers and repurposes practical supplies/equipment from businesses and industries in support of our community development projects. These supplies represent a critical arm of support and sustainability for our undertakings. We anticipate what supplies will be needed for responding to hardships within our community as a result of natural disasters, personal disasters, national crisis and special relief programs. The Storehouse operates as a resource center for our Disaster Relief Program, Water Purification Program, International Community Development as well as Preparedness Outreach. Preparedness was initiated in 2012 as a community project among our core members. It now has become a major focus for many who see the need for personal responsibility for their well-being.

storehouse interior

We have offered seminars featuring the basics of forming a plan along with hands-on activities to enable every family and community group to form a plan of action for times of hardship. Preparedness can actually be an act of faith. As we assess conditions and consider warnings, it is then that we want to make wise decisions for the well-being of our home and family during times of distress. To prepare is to be proactive. This can serve to diffuse fear in times of uncertainty. Steps of preparedness are critical for creating a response rather than a reaction to any warning we might be given for our times.

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